Tuesday, September 29, 2009

section review 7

1)black and aegean sea- east. ionian- west. gulf of chorinth
2)minoan- crete, trojans- troy, mycenaeans- greek main land. flourished between 2000-1100 b.c.
3)Minoans. King Minos at Knossos on Crete
5)The dorians(the hellenes)
7)Zeus- god of thunder and lightning, athena- wisdom,ares-war, they were the product of a poetic genuis, a figment of a vivid immagination.
8)were families came together to form tribes and villages eventually called a polis. It surrounded a acropolis.
9)apartans, athens, eretria
10)490 BC to 479 BC
11)battle thermopolay. greeks were
deafeated by persians because of a trader, battle of salamis, the greeks defeated the persians and it was the first naval battle
12)it placed an absolute limit on westward epansion in the persian empire

1.hellenes- greeks of classic times that made contributions to westward civilization
2.attica-prominant regio of greece
3.peloponnesus- prominant region of greece
4.trojan war- 1200 bc myvenaeans destroyed the city of troy on caost of asia minor
5.odysseus- brave greek warrior olympius- where the greek gods lived
7.heroes- played important role in homers poems
8.achilles-invincable greek warrior
9.barbarian-those who didnt speak greek
10.olympic games- held every4 yrs in honor of xeus
11.olumpiad-the period between olympics
12.darius 1- new persian king
13.xerxes 1- darius son
14.leonidas-spartan lesder
15.themistocles- tricked xerxes
16.Plataea-where the persian army remained in greece until defeated.