Friday, September 4, 2009

sumo wrestlers

a. What is SUMO? two people who are wearing nothing but a mawashi (loincloth), face each other in a dohyo (circular ring) and push, grapple, and try to throw each other.

b. How do wrestlers win at SUMO?When one of the wrestlers is forced out of the ring or touches the ground with any part of his body other than his feet, the referee raises the fan in his hand to declare the winner.

c. When did SUMO start? In Japan, figurines of sumo wrestlers have been unearthed dating back to between the third and seventh centuries, and the sport is mentioned in the myths and legends of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki (Japanese history books written in the eighth century).

d. What's a day in the life of a SUMO wrestler like?They wake up early at 5 in the morning to work out.At 8:00 am, the young wrestlers go to the kitchen to help prepare chanko. Chanko refers to the food eaten by sumo wrestlers, and it includes stews, Chinese food, sashimi, and deep-fried food.Sumo wrestlers eat two meals a day, having breakfast at around 11:00 am and dinner at about 6:00 pm. Practice ends at around 10:30 when the younger wrestlers have finished preparing the chanko, and the wrestlers then take a bath, with the higher-ranked ones going first. They eat breakfast after fixing their hair in a topknot. And of course when they eat, the higher-ranked wrestlers go first again. Once the morning meal is over, the wrestlers have free time. Many of them take naps to help them get bigger.

Step back in time was a fun because we got to make our own characters and dress them. We really liked the animation and colors in the game. We learned about fashion in China.

spot the mistakes was a game that tought us about chineese culture. It was a little hard at first but we got the hang of it. We enjoyed this game and the knowledge we obtained from it.

"Mix N Match" was an easy game, but we still learned about things like firefighters in Japan. This was brookney's favorite game.I liked the kabuki actor looked really cool and i liked the things i learned about them and when they first started.

Japan Puzzle was fun because I like doing maps. We

"Pictures of Japan was cool because we got to color. I like the little pictures they gave us. This site is an awesome way to learn about Japan and their culture in a fun entertaing way.