Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chapter 26 Section Review 2

1)Free world, communist bloc, third world
2)$11 billion in weapons, supplies and cash, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, Klaus Fuch, Alger Hiss
3)Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, communism is dictorial and not republican
4)Truman Doctorine, policy of containment
5)Marshall Plan,COMECON, to get an opportuinity to exploit its satellite nations
6)1949, NATO, EEC
7)Nikita Khrushchev, stated that the Soviet Union had shifted from active agitation and aggresion to a desire for "peaceful coexistence" with the free world
9)Berlin Wall, 1961
10)Churchill, Eden, Macmillian, churches were usually empty on Sundays
11)Charles de Gaulle
12)Alicide De Gasperi
1)Cold War- a war fought with words and ideas, not weapons
2)satellite nation- nations that are supposedly idependent but technically are under the dominance of another nation
3)Harry Hopkins- Director of the Lend-Lease
4)Alger Hiss- convicted of purgery for transferring US secrets
5)Iron Curtain-

Monday, December 14, 2009

Exam Study Guide

Chapters 1 and 2 test:
1) History
3)Before Christ
4)Anno Domini
5)3 Eras of histroy
7)Tigris and Euphrates
Ancient- 4000 BC- 500AD
Medieval- 500AD- 1500AD
Modern- 1500AD- Present

Chapter 3 and 4:
1)Mt. Everest
2)Dead Sea
15)Mt. Horeb (Sinai)
Short Answer:
2)38th parallel
3)South Korea
12)Marco Polo
13)The Chin Dynasty
14)Great Wall of China
28)Pyong Yang

Chapter 6
1) Because it was unexplored
2) Polar Ice caps
3) 2/5
9)Lake Victoria

4)Simon of Cyrene
5)Clement of Alexandria

Chapter 7 and 8
5)The Illiad
6)The Odyssey

Monday, November 30, 2009

chapter 13 test

1)Celts- one of the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles
2)Jutes, Angles, Saxons- germanic tribes from the region south of Denmark.
5)Alfred the Great-the first great king of England
8)Harlod Godwin-making by the English Nobles
9)William the Conquer- found king after his victory at the Battle of Hastings
19)Joan of Arc- a peasant girl who claimed she heard "heavenly voices" led French army into battle. won a few victories but then was captured then executed by the English.
25) Hugh Capt- he was chosen to be king after the death of the last carolingian king of France. Only controlled a tiny patch of land called the Ile-De-France.
26) Louis VI- Established the kings dominance at least in his own little domain.
28) Louis IX- One of France's most memorable kings. His piety earned him the name St. Louis
30) Boniface VIII- argued with Phillip IV over whether the king could tax the clergy without the pope's consent
33) Ferdinand and Isabella- sent Columbus to sail the ocean blue
39) Marco Polo- son of an italian merchant. Went with father on trip to China
42)Christopher Columbus- Found America. Was sent on voyage to Indies

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles?
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War?
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century?
Which name did the Romans give to Spain?
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain:
What does “reconquista” mean?
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages.
England, France, Spain, and Portugal
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site?
Which Germanic tribe named England?
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him)
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD?
Hugh Capet
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after?
Louis IX
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out)
clergy, nobles, and commoners
Which peninsula is Spain located on?
Name 3 Germanic tribes.
Celts, Greeks, and Carthaginians
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?
France and England. England won.

Monday, November 9, 2009

feudalism-W ay of life based on ownership and use of land
fief- They worked the land
lord- Owned the land
vassal- Used the land but agreed to be in the lords army
knight- Appionted warriors that fought for the king
chivalry- Code of honor that knights had to swear to
heraldry- Colorful, unique symbols, Similar to a Coat of Arms
castle- Heavily fortified dwellings built for nobles
joust- A sport played betwwen knights
tournament- jousting that lasted an entire day
manor- Estates that belonged to the nobles
serf- Farmers that worked on the manors
Truce of God- No fighting on sundays
Peace of God-
burg- community of traviling merchants
middle class- Burgers, between nobility and peasents
trade fair- Merchants from all over
guild- Consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen
black death- Form of Bubonic Plague, 25 million people died in europe between 1334-1351(almost half of the European pop)
Chaucer- He wrote Canterbury tales
trivium- Grammer, Rhetoric, and logic, part of the medieval cirriculum
quadrivium- composed of arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy
scholasticism-an attempt to synthesize Greek philosophy with romanism
Brethren of the Common Life- promoted the cultivation of the spiritual life through Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and personal piety while following Christ and serving others
humanism-intense interest in the subjects of the humanities
patron-people who used their own money to support the arts
Sistine Chapel- painted by michelangelo
Medicis- a leading banking family who ruled Florence, Italy
Thomas Aquinas-one of the greatest scholastics. an Italian
William of Ockham- the other one of the greatest scholastics. an Englishman
John Wycliffe- the most outstanding scholar at the oxford univesity in the 14th century
John Huss- was hrelped by wycliffe's writings to "see the light" was martyred by the council of Constance
Gerhard Groote- a dutch contemporary of Wycliffe. organized the bretheren of common life
Dante- wrote some of the modern literature. wrote the divine comedy
Petrarch- called the "father of humanism" wrote his z'letters to ancient authors" as if Homer, Plato, and others where still alive to recieve them
Bocaccio- the 1st great writer of prose in a modern language, wrote about the black death
Michelangelo- may have the greatest of the renaissance of all time. painted the sistine chapel.
Flanders- was the location of one of the earliest industries. made woolen goods
Machiavelli- wrote the only book of lasting importance produced by the Italian Renaissance. "The Prince"
Giotto- changed the art of painting greatly. tried to make poeple and things look real.
DaVinci- "renaissance man" was talented in painting, engeneering, sculpting, iventing, and music
Prague-oldest German university

Monday, November 2, 2009

Section Review and Medieval pictures

Section Review:
1)Fief, Lord, Vassal
2)Lord permitted the vassal to work on the field
3 heavily fortified dwelling surrounded by a moat
4)joust, tournaments, falconry, minstrels
5)ppl who worked on the fiefs for the lords
6)Truce of God and the Peace of God
Feudalism- a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land
King- at the top of the feudal system
Crown land- was for the kings personal use
Knight- heavely armed warriors, wearing full body armor and mounted horses
Heraldry- coat of arms
Manor- estates belonging to the nobles
Demesne- lord's fields

Friday, October 30, 2009


1)"anoited one" of God
5)the emperor proclaimed himself "Dominus et Deus (aka "Lord & God") and demanded to be worshiped
9)the fourth great persecution
13)pupil of Polycarp
17)a thelogian from Alexandria, who wrote the first book of systematic theology in the early church
21)proclaimed themselves as "Our Lord", and Diocletian demanded worship as Juipter incarnate, the father of the gods.
25)christian apologists of the early church
29)church father

1)a local place of worship
2)non jews
3)someone who sacrificed their life for their Christian faith
4)prophetic visions also called the Apocalypse
5)tunnels used for worship, refuge, and burial
6)provided protection and recognition for christians in the Roman empire
7)preachers and teachers who raised up a number of godly and able men to expound on the scriptures
8)ppl who attepmted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations
9)denied the doctrine of the trinity
10)Bible of the early western church
11)confessions of faith
12)The earliest creed. rejected the teachings of arianism. The third great creed.
13)adopted the nicene creed

Thursday, October 29, 2009

1. Tertullian

2.Paul- beheaded and peter-crucified upside down

3.Domitian;they refused;John

4.subterranean galleries beneath the city of rome;were christians would worship

5.Trajan; polycarp

6.justin martyr,blandina

7.septimius severus; irenaeus, perpetua, felicitas

8.maximinus thrax and decius; origen

9. persecution of christains , the christain church triumphed through it all.

10. The edicts of milans , 313

identify: Martyr- the face of torture and death
Book of the revelation- prophetic visions
Polycarp- an aged bishop of smyrna
Maximinus thrax- emperor that started th e6th persecution
Decius- 7th persecution
Orgin- a christain philopsher and theologian
Maximian- proclaimed himsef off. our lord
Galerius- emperor who proclaimed toleration 4 the christains of the east
Constantine I.- extended legal protection and recgonition to christains