Friday, October 30, 2009


1)"anoited one" of God
5)the emperor proclaimed himself "Dominus et Deus (aka "Lord & God") and demanded to be worshiped
9)the fourth great persecution
13)pupil of Polycarp
17)a thelogian from Alexandria, who wrote the first book of systematic theology in the early church
21)proclaimed themselves as "Our Lord", and Diocletian demanded worship as Juipter incarnate, the father of the gods.
25)christian apologists of the early church
29)church father

1)a local place of worship
2)non jews
3)someone who sacrificed their life for their Christian faith
4)prophetic visions also called the Apocalypse
5)tunnels used for worship, refuge, and burial
6)provided protection and recognition for christians in the Roman empire
7)preachers and teachers who raised up a number of godly and able men to expound on the scriptures
8)ppl who attepmted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations
9)denied the doctrine of the trinity
10)Bible of the early western church
11)confessions of faith
12)The earliest creed. rejected the teachings of arianism. The third great creed.
13)adopted the nicene creed