Monday, November 9, 2009

feudalism-W ay of life based on ownership and use of land
fief- They worked the land
lord- Owned the land
vassal- Used the land but agreed to be in the lords army
knight- Appionted warriors that fought for the king
chivalry- Code of honor that knights had to swear to
heraldry- Colorful, unique symbols, Similar to a Coat of Arms
castle- Heavily fortified dwellings built for nobles
joust- A sport played betwwen knights
tournament- jousting that lasted an entire day
manor- Estates that belonged to the nobles
serf- Farmers that worked on the manors
Truce of God- No fighting on sundays
Peace of God-
burg- community of traviling merchants
middle class- Burgers, between nobility and peasents
trade fair- Merchants from all over
guild- Consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen
black death- Form of Bubonic Plague, 25 million people died in europe between 1334-1351(almost half of the European pop)
Chaucer- He wrote Canterbury tales
trivium- Grammer, Rhetoric, and logic, part of the medieval cirriculum
quadrivium- composed of arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy
scholasticism-an attempt to synthesize Greek philosophy with romanism
Brethren of the Common Life- promoted the cultivation of the spiritual life through Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and personal piety while following Christ and serving others
humanism-intense interest in the subjects of the humanities
patron-people who used their own money to support the arts
Sistine Chapel- painted by michelangelo
Medicis- a leading banking family who ruled Florence, Italy
Thomas Aquinas-one of the greatest scholastics. an Italian
William of Ockham- the other one of the greatest scholastics. an Englishman
John Wycliffe- the most outstanding scholar at the oxford univesity in the 14th century
John Huss- was hrelped by wycliffe's writings to "see the light" was martyred by the council of Constance
Gerhard Groote- a dutch contemporary of Wycliffe. organized the bretheren of common life
Dante- wrote some of the modern literature. wrote the divine comedy
Petrarch- called the "father of humanism" wrote his z'letters to ancient authors" as if Homer, Plato, and others where still alive to recieve them
Bocaccio- the 1st great writer of prose in a modern language, wrote about the black death
Michelangelo- may have the greatest of the renaissance of all time. painted the sistine chapel.
Flanders- was the location of one of the earliest industries. made woolen goods
Machiavelli- wrote the only book of lasting importance produced by the Italian Renaissance. "The Prince"
Giotto- changed the art of painting greatly. tried to make poeple and things look real.
DaVinci- "renaissance man" was talented in painting, engeneering, sculpting, iventing, and music
Prague-oldest German university


Ms. Melancon said...

Good job girls!