Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chapter 26 Section Review 2

1)Free world, communist bloc, third world
2)$11 billion in weapons, supplies and cash, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, Klaus Fuch, Alger Hiss
3)Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, communism is dictorial and not republican
4)Truman Doctorine, policy of containment
5)Marshall Plan,COMECON, to get an opportuinity to exploit its satellite nations
6)1949, NATO, EEC
7)Nikita Khrushchev, stated that the Soviet Union had shifted from active agitation and aggresion to a desire for "peaceful coexistence" with the free world
9)Berlin Wall, 1961
10)Churchill, Eden, Macmillian, churches were usually empty on Sundays
11)Charles de Gaulle
12)Alicide De Gasperi
1)Cold War- a war fought with words and ideas, not weapons
2)satellite nation- nations that are supposedly idependent but technically are under the dominance of another nation
3)Harry Hopkins- Director of the Lend-Lease
4)Alger Hiss- convicted of purgery for transferring US secrets
5)Iron Curtain-